
Freelancers 2012 full movie
Freelancers 2012 full movie

freelancers 2012 full movie

Malo has two love interests in this film, neither of which was acting. The plot develops as we discover both Lydia's husband and Malo's father were murdered. They become part of the bad cop crime scene. The three graduates are assigned to crooked cop Joseph Sarcone (Robert De Niro) who deals drugs and skims on the takes. Malo's (50 Cents) father was once in the police force. Three boys from the hood were taken out of jail and enrolled in the police academy by a cougar named Lydia (Desperate Housewife Dana Delany).

freelancers 2012 full movie

Reviewed by nogodnomasters 5 / 10 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK I DON'T NEED TO KNOW

Freelancers 2012 full movie